Support the Institute

The Estudos Nacionais Institute is a research, teaching and publishing initiative, whose mission is to disseminate missing knowledge in contemporary society to defend values ​​such as cultural identity, Catholic faith and sovereignty, as well as the cultural fronts to combat cultural genocide against Christians in the 21st century, the defense of human life from its conception and natural death, in addition to many other causes that make up the range of universal values ​​governed by the Western tradition associated with the history of Christian thought.

Founded in 2016 as a publisher that sought to offer the Brazilian public publications on topics such as public opinion, journalism, bioethics and history, the website Estudos Nacionais maintained a strong political presence, being a pioneer in independent journalism denouncing the actions of international economic and ideological groups. Because of this, EN was harshly persecuted due to its courage in defending those same universal values ​​that it now evokes as pillars of its institutional work with the breadth of an institute within which it houses other innovative initiatives and projects.

In recent times, the Institute has focused on the project of building Catholic journalism that is more faithful in language and in the search for truth as a path to encountering God, through Mary Most Holy, in a radical and uncompromising defense of the Holy Catholic Church, inspired by saints, doctors and martyrs of history.


Series of courses began to be launched with the support of the Institute since 2020, with training and education initiatives such as the 1st National Studies Congress and courses such as Revolutionary Mentality. Recently, two main courses are part of the Institute’s training schedule (click to learn more). Soon, however, the Institute intends to expand the number of trainers, bringing new features.


One of the EN Institute’s current main training initiatives is the Observatório (Observatory), maintained by journalist and writer Cristian Derosa, founder and editor of the website. By subscribing to the platform, which works through Lastlink, the member has access to the latest courses taught and, in addition, to new weekly classes from the study group on public opinion and the spiritual roots of ideas. To subscribe, simply sign up using the link.


Through Estudos Nacionais Publicações, the IN Institute carries out the work of disseminating and researching works of relevance for political and philosophical guidance on modern themes. The works, including translations and publications by authors linked to the Institute, range from reflections on science, medicine, bioethics, to the most influential historical topics in the perception of the problems that afflict modern society.



  • Cristian Derosa

    Jornalista e escritor, autor do livro O Sol Negro da Rússia: as raízes ocultistas do eurasianismo, além de outros 5 títulos sobre jornalismo e opinião pública. Editor e fundador do site do Instituto Estudos Nacionais

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